
The information on the present web site is the subject of a system for the protection of personal data and a policy of respect for privacy in electronic communication.

AXA Assistance respects the privacy of users. The policy for the protection of physical persons in the context the processing of data of a personal nature by Community institutions and bodies is based on Regulation (EC) 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000. Although you can navigate around the AXA Assistance web site without providing any information on yourself, personal information is sometimes required before we can provide you with on-line services that you request. AXA Assistance handles this information in accordance with to the policy described in Regulation (EC) 45/2001 cited above and thus provides you with information on the use of your personal data.

In this respect:

for each specific on-line service offered AXA Assistance, a member of data processing staff shall determine the purposes of the processing of data of a personal nature and the resources applied, and shall ensure that this on-line service complies with the policy as regards respect for privacy; within AXA Assistance, the member of staff responsible for data protection shall ensure that the provisions of Regulation (EC) 45/2001 are applied and advise those responsible for processing on carrying out their obligations (see article 24 of the regulation); and the European data protection controller shall exercise his functions as independent controlling authority for all the institutions and bodies of the European Union (see articles 41 to 45 of Regulation (EC) 45/2001). The AXA Assistance site provides links to other web sites. As AXA Assistance has no control over these, we suggest that you check their own policies on respect for privacy.

How we handle electronic mail that you send to us?

On this web site a number of e-mail addresses will bring up your mail program and invite you to send your observations to a specific mailbox. When you send such a message, your personal data will not be recorded except to the extent required to answer you.

How do we protect your data?

AXA Assistance will not use your personal information for any purpose other than those described above and will not in any event make them available for commercial purposes. All personal information is handled in accordance with the provisions on confidentiality and security set out in Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and the rules for security and confidentiality of the computer systems of AXA Assistance. 


About Cookies

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which, subject to your choice, are downloaded to your device (computer, smartphone, tablet computer) when you visit a website. The term cookie has to be interpreted in the broadest sense and covers all the tracers downloaded and/or read, for example, when you visit a website, read an email, install software or a mobile application. Cookies are managed by your web browser and only the cookie issuer can read or modify the information included in it.

What are cookies used for?

They are essential to the effective operation of our website and to make it intuitive. They only concern the way the website functions and improve your browsing by memorizing the information and the data you record to facilitate your access to reserved or personal spaces. Their aim is to collect information of your web browsing and offer you adapted services and adapted publicity for you and for your device. They personalize the content of the site to offer you the best browsing experience possible when you visit our website.

Keeping your personal information safe

Our cookies do not store personal information such as your name, address, phone number or email in a format that can be read by others. The cookies we use cannot read or search your computer, smartphone or web-enabled device to obtain information about you or your family, or read any material kept on your hard drive.

Links to third party websites

If you follow a link from our website to another website, please be aware that the owner of the other website will have their own privacy and cookie policies for their site. We recommend you read their policies as we are not responsible or liable for what happens on their website.

The types of cookies we use on this website

Strictly necessary cookies: These cookies are essential for our online services and tools to function and to enable you to use their distinct functionalities. They collect or record information that we need to make our website work. These cookies only last for a single browsing session – when you leave our website, they are removed.

Functionality cookies: These cookies allow us to provide you with enhanced features that need to remember your preferences and choices to help us offer to them to you when you return and to adapt the pages’ presentation to your device’s predilection display (such as resolution, language …). They will enhance your browsing on our website.

Performance cookies : These cookies help us monitor and improve how our website works collecting anonymous information when you visit our website (the way you arrived on the site, pages you go to most often). They also let us monitor how our website is performing so we can keep on improving it. These cookies are stored until an expiry-date fixed by the website or your browser.

Cookies facilitating online communication: They aim to remember the data entered by you on the website to, for example, facilitate accurate quotations, online simulations and purchase of our products.

Advertising cookies: As they are aligned with your browsing habits they enable the display of adverts based on your profile, limit how often these adverts appear and measure the effectiveness of a campaign.

Cookies "social buttons": They allow sharing of content of their site on social platforms. But the source code available to the site designers uses cookies to trace browsing the Internet, whether they are orare not users.

How to manage and switch off the cookies?

Whenever you want, you can refuse cookies by switching them off or choosing to set your computer to notify and submit for your acceptance each cookie before it is downloaded to your device. In this case, you can either refuse them one by one or systematically disallow them.

We remind you that your settings may affect how you access services that require the use of cookies. If your browser is configured to reject all cookies, you cannot make purchases or take advantage of key features of our website, such as storing items in your shopping basket or receiving personalized recommendations. To manage cookies closer to your expectations, we invite you to change your browser settings taking into account the purpose of the cookies as mentioned above.

Here is how to control or prevent setting of cookies: The configuration of each browser is different. Please refer to the help menu of your browser, which will explain to you how to change or switch off the cookies.

You can find out more about managing and switching off cookies in • Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple SafariMicrosoft Internet ExplorerApple Safari iOS Google Android